Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Getting closer every day

Sad things occurred this month unfortunately. Mainly the Virginia Tech massacre comes to mind. Of course Iraq is still a mess. There has been a holy war ongoing over there for two thousand years but somehow we thought we could bring order over there in a couple of years. Come on! Get real! What we are doing over there is necessary. It's just the method and the expectations that are completely wrong. The only thing that will bring complete order over there, and everywhere else for that matter, is the return of Jesus. It could happen sooner than later too. The devil has already been having his fun for quite some time now as foretold in the Bible. Jesus will have to come along pretty soon to herd up the good folks and prove all the nonbelievers wrong. As much as I hate to admit it, the devil temps me everyday just like he does everyone. I'll go awhile and view porn online and justify it in my own mind. Then I'll wake up one day and realize how wrong it is even though so many people do it. That is one of the devil's biggest weapons too. He'll just whisper in your subconscious and constantly tell you "Everyone else is doing it. What's the big deal?". Whether it be drugs, watching porn, or just simply behaving in a disrespectful manner. A new month begins tomorrow and I have decided to make this a weekly update blog. Of course, I'll post more than that if I happen to have more witnessings. God bless everyone and let's all be witnessers.

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