Wednesday, March 14, 2007

First off

To look into the future, one only needs to look back at the past. Because, unfortunately, we are destined to repeat ourselves. People in power and leaders in general will continue to shape the world in oh so familiar ways wether they realize it or not. They will most certainly head us down the same paths that other civilizations and societies have been down before. And, unfortunately, that generally is the path of self destruction. The more we progress as a society, the more we are destined to decline as human beings. The more government is able to control us, the more we are unable to control ourselves. The more powerful the government, the more absolute their decline in moral compass. One only needs to look towards ancient greece or egypt to see the results of this. We all see the signs around us. Most of us simply don't want to face the facts or feel there is nothing they can do about it anyway. This is pretty much the truth. Wheels in motion will stay in motion. Everything set in motion is already set. God has forseen our outcome already and it can easily be perused and combed over in the Bible. The question is how do we get to that point? Why can't we change that outcome? Should we change that outcome? What do you think?

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